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תמונת נושא לעמוד בלוגים

Ride the Wave

24.01.2024 By Yitzchak Kowalsky
Due to the war, interest rates have gone down, making it more feasible for those who couldn’t buy, now to jump into the pool of those looking.
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Ride the Wave
24.01.2024 By Yitzchak Kowalsky

Due to the war, interest rates have gone down, making it more feasible for those who couldn’t buy, now to jump into the pool of those looking.

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The Time Is Right
The Time Is Right

Most people would assume that when Israel is at war, stay away from real estate, but in actuality it’s the exact opposite, and I’ll tell you why.

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Buying a Property On-Paper

Back in the day, the way to make money was to do a flip. This meant buying a property that needed renovations for cheaper due to the fact that it needed work, renovating it and selling it for a higher price. Through this, you’d make a nice amount of money. Well, those days are pretty much over due to the following factors

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איש לבוש בחליפה ובעניבה קורא מסמכים מול מחשב נייד
New Law To The Buyer’s Benefit

Until a week ago, if you bought a new property on paper and you went by the 20/80 payment schedule, you got screwed by the ‘cost of building index.’ Let me explain. ‘The cost of building index’ means that if the materials of a building being built were increased, such as wood, metals, tiles, etc., the buyer carried the burden of paying that extra cost. In a standard 150 sqm apartment, this meant...

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בניין עם מרפסות מוקף בצמחיה, כביש עם מכונית והולכי רגל
Hot Real Estate Market

When we entered Corona and throughout the last 2 years, we believed that we would see the prices decrease and many would take their properties off the market or decide not to sell or rent. We were proven wrong big time. During Corona, and now that we are sort of out of the woods, we are witnessing that the real estate market was and is booming. Properties are being put on the market for extraordinary...

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בתים מוקפים בצמחייה, שמיים בהירים עם קצת עננים
Summary Of 2021 & Where Will 2022 Lead Us To?

What a year it was in 2021. Looking back at 2021, we can summarize the year regarding real estate as becoming a sellers’ market. The prices went up in Israel by around 10% and in Jerusalem specifically around 9% at least. No one thought that this would be the outcome of a year filled with ups and downs with Corona, and closures in travel. Sow how did this happen? We believe that Black Lives Matter had...

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